ADR (Mediation, Arbitration, and UDRP) Events
Since 2013, our Managing Partner, Reyes C. Estebaranz, acts as Mediator and Arbitrator in commercial and IP cases before WIPO and other Institutions, as well as Panelist in Domain Name UDRP and country codes “.ES” and “.EU” proceedings. She has attended meetings and mock mediations, giving courses and presentations in UDRP, IP international Mediation and Arbitration at various events sponsored by WIPO, Spanish PTO, UAIPIT (Business Center of the University of Alicante), EOI (Business School based in Madrid, Alicante and other locations), and other relevant institutions.
"I strongly believe in ADR proceedings; it is the smart way to solve confidentially and autonomously legal conflicts, finding the best solutions from the business perspective... thinking out of the box "